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Showing 1 - 5 of 5 Publications
Australian Cycling Participation 2019
The National Cycling Participation Survey (NCPS) is a standardised survey that has been repeated biennially since March/April 2011, with minor changes to the survey structure between 2011 and 2013. The NCPS provides data on cycling participation at…
Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety: Recent Developments
The purpose of the report is to review developments in pedestrian and cyclist safety, particularly over the last ten years, with a view to identifying emerging issues and practice and describing new insights into pedestrian and cyclist safety.…
Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety: Investigation of Accidents in Different Road Environments
This report presents the results of a comparison of pedestrian and bicycle casualty accident characteristics in the CBDs, inner metropolitan areas and outer metropolitan areas of Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. Preliminary examination of crashes in…
Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety: Pedestrian Crashes at Pedestrian Facilities
All pedestrian crashes in the NSW and Victorian databases for the years 1990-1994 were analysed. A sample of crashes at each of the principal types of pedestrian facility was drawn from the crash data set and the accident report form for each crash…
Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety: Comparisons of Pedestrians Accidents in New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland
This report presents the results of a comparison of pedestrian and bicycle accidents in New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland. Cross-tabulations were provided by the road authorities in the three States. Variables which were used in the cross…