
Publication State
Showing 1 - 7 of 7 Publications
Webinar: 2023 National Walking and Cycling Participation Survey
The National Walking and Cycling Participation Survey is a survey of the Australian community to understand their participation in walking 
Webinar: Austroads Project Pipeline 2023-24
This webinar is beneficial to consultants who may be interested in tendering for Austroads projects. The session covers new Austroads projects lined up for the 2023-24 financial year, Austroads process around research data collection and what is…
Webinar: Zebras and Wombats: Factchecking 'False Sense of Security'
Decisions on how transport agencies provide for people walking to safely cross the roads has been greatly influenced by historical research, that has in the past failed to examine the infrastructure design and lacked behavioural data. This webinar,…
Bicycle Wayfinding
This report analyses the bicycle directional signage and wayfinding systems currently in use in Australian and New Zealand jurisdictions and provides detailed recommendations for the updating of the following sign standards and guidelines: AS1742.9…
Bicycle Wayfinding: Literature Review
This report documents the bicycle directional signage and wayfinding systems currently in use in seven major cycling nations and in seven Australian and New Zealand jurisdictions. It provides a detailed analysis of the way directional signs are used…
Australian Cycling Participation 2015
The National Cycling Participation Survey (NCPS) is a standardised survey that has been repeated biennially since March/April 2011, with minor changes to the survey structure between 2011 and 2013. The NCPS provides data on cycling participation at…
National Cycling Strategy: Implementation Report 2014
In June 2015 the Australian Bicycle Council published the National Cycling Strategy Implementation Report 2014which outlines the progress made on the National Cycling Strategy in 2014. In this, the fourth year of the National Cycling Strategy 2011-…