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Showing 1 - 10 of 320 Publications
Taking Representative Samples of Bituminous Binders From Road Tankers from Sampling Points Only
This work tip provides guidance on binder sampling to ensure that consistent and reliably representative samples are obtained so that any test results: represent, as near as practicable, an average of a consignment or batch
Guide to Pavement Technology Part 2: Pavement Structural Design
Guide to Pavement Technology Part 2: Pavement Structural Design provides advice for the structural design of sealed road pavements. The advice has been generally developed from the approaches followed by the Austroads member agencies. However, as it…
Webinar: Validation of Superpave™ Method of Asphalt Compaction for Australasia
Austroads has completed a project to replace the obsolete gyratory compactors used in design and quality control testing of asphalt mixes and update its Guide to Pavement Technology Part 4B: Asphalt. Austroads asphalt mix design procedure currently…
Guide to Pavement Technology Part 1: Introduction to Pavement Technology
Guide to Pavement Technology Part 1: Introduction to Pavement Technology provides general information regarding the purpose and function of pavements, pavement types and their components, pavement materials, the types of pavements commonly in use…
Webinar: Practical Approaches for Managing Regional Road Safety Priorities
Road users in regional and remote Australia are at a greater risk of road trauma than those living in major cities. Approximately one third of Australians live in regional or remote areas but two thirds of fatal crashes occur in these areas. The…
Webinar: A National Approach to Measuring Non-fatal Crash Outcomes – Stage 2
Information on injurious road crashes is required for prevention. National information on fatal cases has been available for many years, but information on serious non-fatal cases has been lacking. This webinar will take participants through the…
Webinar: National Harmonisation of Test Methods Used in Asphalt Performance Specifications
The asphalt industry is rapidly evolving, and it is widely accepted that prescriptive specifications are not necessarily well suited to take full advantage of the benefits that new and innovative technologies can provide. There is therefore a desire…
Webinar: Austroads Project Pipeline 2023-24
This webinar is beneficial to consultants who may be interested in tendering for Austroads projects. The session covers new Austroads projects lined up for the 2023-24 financial year, Austroads process around research data collection and what is…
Webinar: Road Deterioration Model Update
Road deterioration (RD) models help in predicting future road condition and assessing maintenance needs. Austroads recent project updated the current Austroads RD models using the additional long-term pavement performance (LTPP) and long-term…
Austroads Road Deterioration Model Update: Cracking
This report documents a project designed to update the current Austroads road deterioration (RD) models using the long-term pavement performance and long-term pavement performance maintenance (LTPP/LTPPM) dataset and other data available, such as…