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Showing 1 - 10 of 43 Publications
Optimising Project Delivery Performance (Accelerated Projects)
This report provides practical advice and examples of ways to successfully accelerate transport infrastructure projects and programs up to $500 million. An accelerated project or program has delivery expedited, typically in response to external…
Investment Prioritisation Templates and User Guide
This user guide provides guidance on the Investment Prioritisation Templates. The templates are designed to help road authorities consider an investment opportunity through multiple dimensions, such as the benefits of the project, and risk with and…
A Holistic Investment Prioritisation Framework for Road Assets
This report proposes a holistic and risk based prioritisation framework to support investment decisions across road asset classes and expenditure categories. Transport agencies currently rely on different decision making frameworks to help identify…
Network Design for Road Safety (Stereotypes for Cross-sections and Intersections): User Guide
This user guide provides guidance to road managers, planners and designers on achieving improved safety outcomes by applying consistent standards along a road corridor. Thirteen road stereotype tables were identified covering the road network from…
Procurement Decision Tool: A Case Study of the Toowoomba Second Range Crossing
The procurement decision tool (&ldquo
Road Cross-section Design for Road Stereotypes (including Network Safety Plans) and a Safe System
This report summarises activities undertaken to produce guidance on road cross-section design for road stereotypes during stage 1 and 2 of this project. The guidance enables road managers, planners and designers to achieve improved safety outcomes…
Rollover Crashes: Road Design Risk Factors and Infrastructure Solutions
Rollover crashes are an undesirable outcome in a substantial proportion of casualty crashes on high-speed roads. Rollovers are especially over-represented in run-off-road crashes due to their direct interaction with the roadside geometry. This…
Measures to Reduce Crashes Adjacent to and within Tunnels
This report identifies factors that contribute to the occurrence and severity of crashes adjacent to and within tunnels and suggests remedial treatments that will reduce the incidence and severity of these crashes.
Safety Benefits of Cooperative ITS and Automated Driving in Australia and New Zealand
Two rapidly developing technology areas, Cooperative Intelligent transport systems (C-ITS) and Automated Driving (AD) applications, are reputed to have a substantial impact on road trauma through the increased use of technology both to assist…
Older Road Users: Emerging Trends
This report identifies trends in crash involvement amongst older road users (aged 75+).