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Showing 1 - 10 of 11 Publications
Optimising Project Delivery Performance (Accelerated Projects)
This report provides practical advice and examples of ways to successfully accelerate transport infrastructure projects and programs up to $500 million. An accelerated project or program has delivery expedited, typically in response to external…
Investment Prioritisation Templates and User Guide
This user guide provides guidance on the Investment Prioritisation Templates. The templates are designed to help road authorities consider an investment opportunity through multiple dimensions, such as the benefits of the project, and risk with and…
A Holistic Investment Prioritisation Framework for Road Assets
This report proposes a holistic and risk based prioritisation framework to support investment decisions across road asset classes and expenditure categories. Transport agencies currently rely on different decision making frameworks to help identify…
Procurement Decision Tool: A Case Study of the Toowoomba Second Range Crossing
The procurement decision tool (&ldquo
Vehicle Registration and Driver Licensing in Australia, New Zealand and Europe: A Comparison Study
This report provides a comparison of vehicle registration and driver licensing practices between Australia, New Zealand and Europe. It builds on the Vehicle and Driver Chain framework, initiated by RDW (The Netherlands Vehicle Authority) in 2001,…
Australia and New Zealand Vehicle Registration and Driver Licensing Overview 2017-18: A Transnational Survey of Laws, Procedures and Trends
This overview includes: an outline of the road safety imperative in Australia and New Zealand
Better Management of End-of-Life Vehicles
This report sets out a rationale for modifying the national vehicle registration framework to enable better end-of-life management of vehicles.
Assessment of Key Road Operator Actions to Support Automated Vehicles
Australian and New Zealand road agencies and operators are preparing for the introduction of Automated Vehicles (AVs). This report investigates the potential changes needed to the way road networks are managed to consistently support and optimise…
Registration, Licensing and CTP Insurance Issues Associated with Automated Vehicles
This report considers the potential impacts on vehicle registration, driver licensing and compulsory third party (CTP) insurance arrangements that might arise from the introduction of automated vehicles (AVs) in Australia and New Zealand.
Operational Impacts of Alternative Private Passenger Vehicles
The motor car currently dominates personal travel. However its position is being challenged by concerns over congestion, fuel availability and price, local air quality and global atmospheric impacts. While public transport will be called on to play…