
Showing 1 - 5 of 5 Publications
Damage Assessment Criteria for the Classification of Heavy Vehicle Statutory Write-Offs
This Guide has been developed by Austroads and the National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council (NMVTRC) to support the consistent application of special assessment criteria for the classification of heavy written-off vehicles (HWOVs). The…
Damage Assessment Criteria for the Classification of Light Vehicle Statutory Write-Offs
This guide has been developed by the National Motor Vehicle Theft Reduction Council (NMVTRC) and Austroads to support the consistent application of assessment criteria for the classification of written-off vehicles (WOVs). The criteria apply to…
Webinar: Road Risk Assessment, Case Studies and Engagement Guidance for Speed Management
This webinar, presented on 26 March 2019, provides an overview of Infrastructure Risk Rating - a simple road assessment methodology designed to assess road safety risk at a network level, primarily as an input to the speed limit setting process.
Infrastructure Risk Rating Manual for Australian Roads
This manual sets out the steps for undertaking an IRR assessment. It is divided into four parts: identify supporting data sources
Road Risk Assessment, Case Studies and Engagement Guidance for Speed Management
Inappropriate or excessive speed is a major road safety issue. Effective speed management is fundamental and critical to reducing speed-related road trauma. Speed limit setting is at the core of speed management. Speed limits need to be set at a…